The rapid growth of technology, which promises to progress quickly to perfection, is also bringing the day of the perfectionist closer. On the other hand, just as the proportion of technology is increasing, there are also more and more sci-fi novels and movies that highlight the dangers posed by the progress of technology. There are more people who accept and use technology in reality, and there are also many people who are cautious and have a fear of technology. There are many people who give a mixture of both in their minds.
Among the people who express suspicions and suspicions, it can be observed that Christians are among them. And there is no denying that there are more Christians who suspect technology than others. However, as a Christian, we must have the right approach and attitude toward the advancement of science and technology. The attitude toward the advancement of science and technology that Christians should have is not only whether to be suspicious or careless, but rather what is the attitude to be taken in front of God?
Therefore, it is appropriate to begin by examining why sci-fi works such as The Matrix, Inception, Her, Total Recall, etc., which are all based on the progress of technology, are so popular with people. The reason for this is quite simple. Human beings have long struggled and fought for life in the world. People want peace and security, but we are often disappointed.
The truth is that evil and war are all around us. There are no ways to escape evil. But there are some works such as The Matrix and Inception that promise to eradicate evil. These movies and works appeal to our human nature and at the same time raise suspicions in our minds and hearts. We need to find the reason for these suspicions and then find an answer to them. In particular, if Christians allow such doubts to linger, they can easily be tempted, as their very faith is threatened.
One of the reasons why people suspect the advancement of science and technology is because they fear that one day they will be replaced by machines. Machines that are faster, smarter, and more productive than humans. This can be seen in both The Matrix and Inception. In the Matrix, Neo is trying to save himself from the world of machines. The virtual world of computers is so perfect that people can live in a virtual world, but they fear that they can be replaced by robots, especially when they take over their bodies. In Inception, Leonardo DiCaprio spends most of his time avoiding large companies and corporations that are developing artificial intelligence. He believes that the development of artificial intelligence will destroy his job.
For example, imagine a future world where robots are taking over everything. They work harder and more efficiently than humans can ever imagine. Humanity is declining before their eyes. What kind of world do you think would we be living in? This kind of thing is what people think and fear. Although the progress of technology offers them great potential, it also presents a variety of challenges to humanity.
The Matrix Movie
Total Recall Movie
In Inception, the end of the movie seems to paint a very dark and bleak world. A world where Leonardo DiCaprio can do nothing to prevent his demise. A world where corporations are now running society without regard to human life. A world where DiCaprio is simply unable to do anything about it and watch the advancement of technology slowly eliminate humanity as a whole.
What is interesting about the world DiCaprio lives in is that it seems to be a world where humans no longer exist. It seems to be a world where only machines exist and work while people struggle to survive. In other words, it is a world where humanity has been replaced by machines.
This worldview is very similar to the view of the vast majority of Christians who fear that one day the machines will actually replace people. After all, the Bible says that people were created in God’s image, and that if people really are replaced by machines, that means people are no longer important and that God’s creation is not important.
However, one of the biggest misunderstandings Christians make is that God is only concerned with human beings, and that the world he created is only of interest to him and nothing else. This is a terrible view of God and what he has done in his creation. In fact, one of the most basic tenets of Christian faith is that “God is love”.
God is not only concerned with human beings. We can see God’s love in everything he has created and everything he has done. In fact, God created the entire universe out of love. His desire to share his love with humanity led him to create this world, this universe, and everything in it. In his love for humanity, God created a perfect world for them.
God did not only create the earth for humans to live on. The earth God created is the only one for humanity to live on. It is the only one on which the very existence of humans depends. God’s love for humanity is shown in his creation of the earth and all life on it. He loves all the creatures in his creation and cares for their well-being.
God created animals and plants for people to live on the earth. The animals and plants that God created provide food and shelter for people. They are not just something to eat, but are essential for the survival of humanity. God created the earth so that it would provide not only food and shelter, but also the ability to live on the earth.
That is why, when all humanity is destroyed by machine civilization, God cannot do nothing to prevent it. God can only say, “Well, I tried my best to stop it, but I couldn’t do it,” and stand passively by, watching the advancement of machines replace humanity. What would happen if God stopped or prevented the progress of machines? They will simply stop.
What is perfection?
The truth is, when Christianity speaks of human perfection, it is a paradoxical idea. On the one hand, the Bible talks about man being “created in the image of God” and man being perfect. On the other, it speaks of the imperfection and sinfulness of mankind, and the fall of Adam and Eve. The Bible says that man is created in the image of God and that man is perfect, but at the same time it speaks of the corruption and sinfulness of man.
The paradox of this notion is that man is a paradox. We are both created in the image of God and we are sinful. We are both sinful and we are perfect. If there is only one of these two, it is impossible for us to be created in the image of God. But there are two of them and yet we are still perfect.
To put it another way, man is like a tree. A tree, which is perfectly shaped by the Creator, is a paradox. You can only see the shape of a tree by looking at the surface. The tree is still beautiful from the inside, but the shape that it shows is different than the one that it shows from the outside.
In fact, the same applies to the human soul. A person is like a tree with a beautiful form, and we only see the shape of a person from the outside. The shape of the human soul is different from the form of the human soul. The soul, which is a paradox, looks exactly the same as the outer form of the soul and the shape of the soul is completely different from the exterior.
The Bible says that God created man in his own image. Why does it say this? It is because man is a tree with a beautiful form. If man was created in the image of God, he would be a tree with a perfect form. If man was created in God’s image, he would be a perfect tree with perfect form. But if we are not created in God’s image, we are only an ugly tree with a non-perfect form.
The Bible also tells us that man is sinful and that man is “sinful from birth”. In other words, man is a tree with a non-ideal form, and it is the sin of mankind which makes the tree ugly. But the Bible also states that man is a good tree. The Bible tells us that we are a tree with a perfect form. So what is it that makes man a good tree?
Well, it is the grace that God gives us. The Bible says that God gave us “all the graces of wisdom and of virtue”. The Bible also tells us that man is “made righteous through Christ”. So what is the grace that God gives us? The grace that God gives us is the grace that he gives us “according to his heart”.
God’s grace is not the grace of man, it is not the grace of the world, nor is it the grace of the flesh. God’s grace is the grace he gives us according to his love for us. The grace that God gives us according to his love for us is the grace that changes our nature and that is why man is a tree with a perfect form. In other words, man is a perfect tree because God makes him perfect.
But man is no a perfect tree in a perfect world. Man is a tree in a world that is not yet perfect. The Bible says that man is “sinners in the sight of God”. The Bible also tells us that the world is